Occupational Therapy

Qura Healthcare’s Occupational Therapy Program is focused on assisting our patients regain their dignity and resume activities that give their lives balance and meaning. Our Occupational Therapists are highly trained professional that will evaluate the therapy needs of each patient in their home environment.

In addition to performing Physical and Psychosocial testing, they will:

·        Establish a treatment plan with clear rehabilitation goals

·        Evaluate the patient’s home for safety and accessibility

·        Recommend modifications for the home or care environment

·        Supply Assistive Devices designed to increase independent function

·        Provide training in Physical, Cognitive, Psychological and Emotional Self-Care

·        Work to restore function lost to disease or surgical intervention

The aim is to enable our patients to become more independent by providing them with tools and skills to resume normal daily activities, and encourage them to engage in work, play and leisure activities at a level of independence that is appropriate to their age, life-space and disability.

Request our Services

If you would like further information on any of the services we provide, get in contact with our team today.